What are Super Stickers and Super Chat on YouTube

YouTube has been a popular platform for content creators to showcase their talent and reach a wide audience. With the growth of the platform, YouTube has introduced various features that enable content creators to interact with their audience and earn revenue from their content. One such feature is the “Super Chat” and “Super Stickers” features.

What are Super Stickers on YouTube

What are Super Stickers?

Super Stickers are animated stickers that viewers can purchase to support their favorite content creators on YouTube. Similar to Super Chat, these stickers appear in a designated section of the chat window and stand out from other comments. Super Stickers are a fun and interactive way for viewers to show support for their favorite content creators and add a little excitement to live streams.

What is Super Chat?

Super Chat is a paid feature on YouTube that allows viewers to pay to have their comments highlighted in real-time during a live stream. When a viewer purchases a Super Chat, their comment appears in a designated section of the chat window, standing out from the rest of the comments. The comment remains highlighted for a specified amount of time, depending on the amount paid for the Super Chat.

Benefits for Content Creators

For content creators, Super Chat and Super Stickers provide an additional source of revenue. Every time a viewer purchases a Super Chat or Super Sticker, the content creator earns a portion of the revenue. This provides content creators with a new and innovative way to monetize their content, making YouTube a more lucrative platform for them.

Benefits for Viewers

For viewers, Super Chat and Super Stickers provide a way to directly support their favorite content creators. By purchasing a Super Chat or Super Sticker, they can make their voice heard during live streams and show their support in a unique and interactive way.

How to Use Super Chat and Super Stickers

Using Super Chat and Super Stickers is simple. To use Super Chat, viewers must have a YouTube account and a linked Google account with a valid payment method. During a live stream, they can click the “Super Chat” button and select the amount they wish to pay. To use Super Stickers, viewers simply need to click the “Stickers” button and select the sticker they wish to purchase.


In conclusion, Super Chat and Super Stickers are exciting features that bring a new level of interaction and revenue opportunities to both content creators and viewers on YouTube. These features provide content creators with a new source of income and give viewers a unique and fun way to support their favorite content creators. So next time you’re watching a live stream on YouTube, consider purchasing a Super Chat or Super Sticker to support your favorite content creator!

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