An A.I. explains how it can help us with video marketing

All the texts published below are the complete and faithful transcript of an interview by the staff of Bestyoutubeviews with the popular artificial intelligence script ChatGPT. You can also do similar tests at

A woman interview an AI
This image was also created by an artificial intelligence specifically to illustrate this article

Hello ChatGPT! Can artificial intelligence be successfully employed in video marketing?

Yes, artificial intelligence (AI) can be successfully employed in video marketing. AI technology can help automate various tasks and make the video creation process more efficient and cost-effective. Here are some ways AI can be used in video marketing:

  1. Video production: AI-powered tools can help create custom videos for specific target audiences.

  2. Video optimization: AI algorithms can analyze and optimize videos for search engines and social media platforms, increasing their reach and engagement.

  3. Video personalization: AI can be used to personalize videos for individual viewers, tailoring content and messaging to their interests and preferences.

  4. Video analysis: AI can provide insights into the performance of video marketing campaigns, including metrics such as engagement, audience demographics, and conversions.

  5. Video recommendations: AI-powered video recommendation systems can help keep viewers engaged by suggesting videos that are relevant to their interests.

Overall, AI has the potential to significantly enhance the video marketing process and deliver better results for businesses. However, it’s important to note that AI should be used as a tool to support and augment human creativity, not replace it entirely.


Ok, thanks. What are the best AI applications for all the operations you listed above?

Here are some of the best AI applications for the various operations listed in my previous answer:

  1. Video production:
  • Animoto: An AI-powered video creation tool that allows you to create professional-looking videos in minutes.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro: A professional-grade video editing software that includes AI-powered features such as content-aware fill and auto-ducking.
  1. Video optimization:
  • TubeBuddy: A YouTube optimization tool that uses AI to help optimize your videos for search and maximize their visibility on the platform.
  • Wistia: A video hosting and analytics platform that uses AI to analyze your videos and provide recommendations for optimization.
  1. Video personalization:
  • Vidyard: A video hosting and analytics platform that allows you to personalize videos for individual viewers using AI.
  • Brightcove: A cloud-based video platform that includes AI-powered features such as personalization and optimization.
  1. Video analysis:
  • Google Analytics: A web analytics service that includes AI-powered features for analyzing and optimizing video performance.
  • Wistia: A video hosting and analytics platform that uses AI to provide insights into the performance of your video campaigns.
  1. Video recommendations:
  • YouTube: The largest video platform in the world, YouTube uses AI to recommend videos to viewers based on their viewing history and interests.
  • Vimeo: A video hosting platform that uses AI to recommend videos to viewers based on their interests and viewing habits.

These are some of the best AI applications currently available for video marketing, but new tools and technology are constantly emerging, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in this field.


You have been very detailed. Probably the use of these software will have a peak in the coming months. What will the video marketing scenario become, in your opinion?

In my opinion, the video marketing scenario will continue to evolve and grow in the coming months and years. Here are some of the trends and developments I expect to see in the future:

  1. Increased use of personalized and interactive videos: With the help of AI, companies will be able to create more personalized and interactive videos that engage viewers and drive conversions.

  2. Greater emphasis on video SEO: As video becomes an increasingly important component of marketing campaigns, companies will focus more on optimizing their videos for search engines and social media platforms to increase their reach and engagement.

  3. Emergence of new video platforms: As video continues to grow in popularity, new video platforms will emerge, offering new opportunities for companies to reach and engage with their target audiences.

  4. Increased use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in video marketing: AR and VR technologies are becoming more accessible and affordable, and companies will increasingly use them to create immersive video experiences that engage viewers and differentiate their brands.

  5. Greater focus on video analytics: Companies will focus more on measuring the performance of their video marketing campaigns, using AI-powered analytics tools to gain insights into audience behavior and optimize their strategies.

In conclusion, the video marketing scenario is likely to become even more dynamic and innovative in the coming months and years, with companies leveraging new technologies and platforms to reach and engage their target audiences in new and creative ways.


Thank you for clarifying your thoughts, even if artificial, hehe. Would you like to conclude this interview by talking to us specifically about how Youtubers in particular can take advantage of AI?

Sure! YouTubers can take advantage of AI in several ways to enhance their content creation and distribution efforts. Here are some ways AI can help YouTubers:

  1. Video optimization: AI can help YouTubers optimize their videos for search engines and social media platforms, increasing their reach and engagement. For example, AI-powered tools can analyze videos and provide recommendations for optimizing titles, tags, descriptions, and thumbnails.

  2. Video personalization: AI can be used to personalize videos for individual viewers, tailoring content and messaging to their interests and preferences. This can help YouTubers build stronger relationships with their audiences and increase their engagement and loyalty.

  3. Video analysis: AI can provide insights into the performance of YouTubers’ videos, including metrics such as engagement, audience demographics, and conversions. This information can help YouTubers make informed decisions about the types of content they should create and the best ways to distribute it.

  4. Video recommendations: AI-powered video recommendation systems can help YouTubers keep viewers engaged by suggesting videos that are relevant to their interests. This can increase viewing time and help YouTubers build their audiences.

  5. Content creation: AI-powered tools can help YouTubers create new types of content, such as 3D animations, VR experiences, and interactive videos. This can help YouTubers differentiate their content and stand out from the crowd.

Overall, AI has the potential to significantly enhance the video creation and distribution process for YouTubers, helping them reach and engage their target audiences more effectively and efficiently. However, it’s important to remember that AI should be used as a tool to support and augment human creativity, not replace it entirely.


Ok, let’s say goodbye and thanks

You’re welcome! It was a pleasure assisting you with your questions. If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to reach out. Have a great day!


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